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SG Silent Heroes Awards 2024 - Recognition

As I reflect on my twelve-year journey advocating for Endometriosis awareness, I realize that one of the most profound lessons has been learning to accept that my parents, who initially dismissed my symptoms, were doing the best they could with what they knew. This insight didn’t come easily; it was a hard-won understanding that brought with it a deep sense of peace.

Last Saturday was a poignant moment in my journey. Holding the honorary medallion in my hands, I was swept into a sea of memories—each rejection and dismissive remark, every hurdle I had to jump, and the sweat of my efforts. These weren’t just obstacles; they were the very things that shaped me, carving out the person I am proud to be today. This medallion is not just a piece of metal; it’s a testament to the resilience of all who dare to speak up, who refuse to be silenced, and who transform their pain into a driving force for change, no matter the odds.


I am deeply humbled by the honour of being chosen as one of the 24 finalists from a group of 118 remarkable individuals. This recognition transcends the personal. It is a testament to the collective power and unity that propel us forward. It celebrates every voice that has joined in the chorus for change and every story that has been shared in our common battle against Endometriosis.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to the organisers, not just for providing a platform but for believing in our cause and working tirelessly to make this event a reality. Your efforts are deeply appreciated and have not gone unnoticed.


Echoing Helen Keller’s wise words, “Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.”

This victory is not merely my own—it is a celebration of the shared strength and unity that have enriched my journey. This accolade honours each person who has influenced my life, the painful moments and the joyous ones alike, each teaching me the resilience and strength necessary to keep moving forward.


Looking back over the years, if given the chance to rewrite my story, I wouldn’t change a single page. I trust in divine timing—He is the best planner. Every challenge and every setback was necessary, sculpting me into a better version of myself, Amiin Ya Rabbal Alamiin.


Hadza min fadhli Rabbi


Alhamdulillah alaa kulli haal


*A special mention to Ms. Carrie Tan Huimin, my transformation coach, for guiding me toward the light and empowering me on this journey.

*Photo credits: Singapore Silent Heroes (SSH).


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